Focused Shockwave Helps Heal Wounds and Burns – Without Surgery

Today focused shockwave (ESWT) is being effectively used in dermatology as a non-invasive approach to treating wounds and burns.

Shockwave stimulates biological regeneration which leads to faster, long-term healing, helping to expedite recovery, and improve quality of life.

“ESWT has the highest level of evidence of anything we do for plantar fasciitis. When it comes to treating this issue, shockwave is the closest thing we have to a miracle cure.”
Dr. Amol Saxena, DPM
“This technology should not be the best kept secret in Physiatry.”
Dr. Adam Tenforde, MD
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network
“From what I’ve seen, there’s no other treatment approach that gets the results that shockwave delivers. When it comes to getting athletes better faster and back in the game, this technology is invaluable.”
Dr. Jason Levy, DC
Advanced Performance & Rehabilitation Center
Team Chiropractor for the NY Jets and NY Red Bulls

ESWT Stimulates Biological Regeneration and Promotes Healing

There’s a better way to heal.  ESWT is an evidence-based, non-surgical treatment option for those who suffer from non-healing wounds, scars, burns, or other dermatological issues.  

ESWT helps to regenerate and repair damaged tissue by stimulating blood flow to an area that as degenerated due to poor blood flow, tissue injury, overuse, or weakness.

Treatments can be done right in your medical professional's office and are typically once per week for 6 to 8 weeks taking just 10-15 minutes per session.

To further increase the efficacy of shockwave, many physicians will often combine ESWT with with other treatment modalities. Be sure to ask your physician about his or her treatment approach.

The Benefits of Shockwave Treatments

  • Non-invasive
  • No anesthesia required
  • No risk of infection
  • No scarring
  • No downtime
  • Faster, easier healing

How ESWT can help treat wounds, ulcers, and burns

  • Surgical Wounds
  • Non-Healing Wounds
  • Skin Ulcers
  • Skin Burns
  • Description
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment
How to Talk To Your Medical Professional About Shockwave


Let Your Doctor Know About Shockwave (ESWT)

Physicians are continuously seeking ways to improve patient outcomes by offering the treatment options that patients like you are considering. Would you like to let your doctor’s office know about ESWT and other regenerative solutions from CuraMedix? We can help!

I Want My Medical Professional to Know More!