Shockwave and EMTT Reviews:
Healthcare Providers

This leading sports medicine physician was looking to invest in industry-leading technology. Here’s how he was able to improve clinical outcomes with shockwave.

Dr. Robert Conenello

Orangetown Podiatry

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As a dedicated sports medicine physician, Dr. Jow reveals how she utilizes EPAT/ESWT to bring quick and effective healing results to her patients.

Dr. Veronica Jow

Avid Sports Medicine

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Adding EPAT technology to his practice turned out to be a significant differentiator from other chiropractors in his area and became a game-changer for both his patients and his practice.

Dr. Brian Nathanson

New England Physical Care

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This physician’s experience with EPAT is a great example of how reframing discussions about treatment options can improve patient outcomes.

Dr. Joaquin Balaguer

Clinica Avanzada del Pie

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Dr. Braver's decision to team up with CuraMedix and add EPAT to his continuum of care proves beneficial to both patients and practice.

Dr. Richard Braver, DPM

Active Foot & Ankle Center

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“The EPAT system works. That’s the bottom line! It’s one of the most effective treatment modalities that we offer here at the Hospital for Special Surgery in our non-surgical Foot and Ankle service.”

Dr. Rock Positano

Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC

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“I have been amazed and gratified by the results I’ve seen with EPAT. It’s great to get athletes back to their activities– running, having avoided surgery, and back to enjoying life.”

Dr. Douglas H. Richie

Seal Beach Podiatry Group

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"EPAT is, without a doubt, the next frontier when it comes to non-invasive muscle and ligament repair."

Dr. Robert R. Meyer

Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine

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“With EPAT, I’ve been able to grow my practice by adding in a procedure that serves as an extra source of income, all while addressing my patients’ pain and improving their quality of life.”

Dr. Chris LaRocca

LaRocca Chiropractic

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“There’s no other treatment approach that gets the results that EPAT delivers. When it comes to getting athletes better faster and back in the game, this technology is invaluable.”

Dr. Jason Levy

Advanced Performance & Rehabilitation Center and Team chiropractor for the NY Jets and NY Red Bulls

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"All of the doctors in our practice rely on EPAT to treat patients who suffer from Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. With EPAT, we have an 80-85% success rate in resolving their pain. Our patients actually look forward to their treatments because they know it's going to help them get better. I'm blown away by how well EPAT works and, honestly, wouldn't know how we would practice without it."

Dr. Teresa Burtoft

Foot Health Center of
Merrimack Valley

"Shockwave is like surgery, without doing surgery. It's a highly evidence-based, therapeutic, non-surgical modality that allows me to successfully treat the cause of my patients' pain not just their symptoms."

Dr. Michael Chin

The Running Institute

"Shockwave therapy works. Shockwave is non-invasive, requires very little time to treat the patient, does not require anesthesia, and is completely ambulatory. Shockwave adds revenue. This procedure offers the practice immediate cash flow with a very marketable and clinically effective modality. Shockwave is progressive. We can treat patients who are acute or chronic, and the unique treatment protocol helps differentiate us from other offices."

Dr. Marc A. Lederman

West Hartford Podiatry

"The choice was simple. It was never about price for us. We were focused on patient outcomes. We knew we wanted to bring in shock wave to our practice and compared another combined device system with radial and focused devices from CuraMedix. The results were not even close. It was like comparing a Volkswagen to a Ferrari. Our approach with each patient is balanced and customized. Now shock wave has become one of our primary treatments that we look to. We are treating 25 patients per week with shock wave and expect that to grow to 100 per week by the end of the year."

Dr. Jeremiah Joseph

RejuvenX Spine & Joint

“The ability to treat athletes with little to no downtime has really changed how we treat.We work with athletes from recreational to professional and there is no level where this technology is not valuable. The increased revenue is a plus, but expanding our referral base has also made having the devices in our offices invaluable. I really believe that if you consider yourself a true sports medicine practice, shockwave is a must.”

Dr. Howard Osterman

Foot and Ankle Specialists of the Mid-Atlantic