The Benefits of Integrating Shockwave Therapy Into Your Primary Care Practice

May 15, 2024  |  By CuraMedix

A middle-aged male doctor wearing a white lab coat is sitting at a desk, attentively talking to a male patient across from him. The doctor has a pen in his hand, ready to take notes. Shockwave therapy is recognized as a medical disrupter responsible for shaking up the status quo. This transformative and regenerative treatment option is revolutionizing patient care in various medical settings. 

Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT(R))  and Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) are innovative evidence-based technologies used extensively worldwide to stimulate tissue repair and regeneration. 

Why Should You Consider Offering Shockwave Therapy in Your Primary Care Practice? 

If you are passionate about bringing patient care to new heights, providing innovative treatment options, and fueling practice growth, shockwave therapy is a wise investment to consider for your practice. 

Under the umbrella of primary care medicine, we include general internal medicine and those who focus on functional medicine. Primary care physicians are typically the first stop for patients seeking relief and advice on a wide range of ailments, including musculoskeletal disorders and pain, arthritis, diabetic neuropathy, and more.

While a majority of primary care physicians still refer patients out to specialists, having shockwave therapy as a treatment option improves patient retention, which in turn increases practice revenue. The ability to begin treating the patient the same day in the office is a veritable game-changer.

Integrating shockwave therapy into your primary care practice is a win-win scenario for the patient and practice.

What Common Conditions are Treatable with Shockwave in a Primary Care Setting? 

Patients frequently seek relief from chronic and acute conditions, and primary care physicians are on the front lines. Here is an overview of issues where patients can benefit greatly from shockwave therapy.

  • Plantar Fasciitis: Foot/heel pain can range from annoying to debilitating. Shockwave therapy is exceptionally effective in treating this prevalent condition. For comprehensive insights, read Shockwave Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis.

  • Tendonitis: Marked by pain, inflammation, and limited joint mobility, tendonitis can impact patients in nearly any location where bone, tendon, and muscle meet. Primary care physicians may see patients suffering from shoulder, knee, ankle, elbow and wrist pain. Again, shockwave therapy is an efficacious treatment for all types of tendonitis. For a scientific deep dive, explore the Biological Effects and Impact of Shockwave Therapy on Tendons.

  • Epicondylitis: Be it tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, patients are sidelined by pain and looking for fast effective relief, to get back to the activities they love. Lateral and medial epicondylitis are common inflammatory conditions triggered by repetitive motion. Numerous studies support the use of shockwave therapy in such cases.

  • Back Pain: Low back pain impacts numerous patients and causes absences from work, impairing the quality of life for those who suffer. Increasingly, non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical approaches are favored and shockwave therapy is a clear winner in treating back pain. Make sure to take a look at this study Efficacy and safety of extracorporeal shock wave on low back pain study in Medicine (2022).

The list of conditions that benefit from shockwave therapy continues to grow, and you’ll find shockwave to be a therapeutic treatment option that enables game-changing patient outcomes.

What are the Primary Shockwave Therapy Benefits for Patients? 

Increasingly, patients are seeking non-invasive solutions that offer quick recovery and no downtime, and shockwave therapy powerfully delivers in those areas and more.

Let’s dive into the key shockwave therapy benefits for patients. Shockwave treatments are performed in-office in 3-5 weekly sessions, each 7-10 minutes in duration. Patients appreciate the clear advantages of this innovative healing modality, including:

Shockwave Therapy is Non-Invasive

Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment modality that offers a safe and effective alternative to invasive methods, including surgical interventions, steroid injections, etc. This advantage is desirable to patients who prefer to avoid surgery and invasive procedures, and their associated lengthy recovery timelines.

Shockwave Therapy Can Reduce Pain 

Shockwave therapy is a remarkably innovative technology targeting pain in bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It offers an analgesic effect that quickly remediates pain and reduces inflammation.

Shockwave Therapy Can Promote Faster Recovery

ESWT/EPAT accelerates healing timelines, allowing an accelerated return to peak performance. This means patients can quickly return to the activities they love.

Shockwave Therapy Can Enable Improved Mobility

After receiving shockwave therapy treatment, patients sidelined with mobility issues that accompany musculoskeletal disorders, tendinopathies, and soft tissue conditions will regain mobility, and stiffness will be a thing of the past.

Shockwave Therapy Can Lead to Increased Patient Satisfaction

Patients appreciate the convenience of finding solutions quickly and easily with their trusted primary care physician and enjoy the added ease of in-office treatment. 

Shockwave is Considered a Safe Treatment

Shockwave therapy is a safe and effective treatment supported by numerous clinical studies. Its safety is ensured when performed by trained healthcare professionals and used appropriately to treat various musculoskeletal conditions, tendinopathies, and more. As with any medical treatment, treating physicians will discuss any contraindications.

There is No Downtime with Shockwave Therapy

No downtime is a bonus for patients undergoing treatment. This enables patients to resume daily living tasks and activities without unnecessary interruptions. 

9 Shockwave Therapy Benefits for Primary Care Practices

Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy ignites advanced healing potential and transforms your continuum of care to offer innovative, non-invasive solutions. By following best practices for integrating shockwave therapy into your primary care practice, you’ll have the power to deliver game-changing outcomes while revolutionizing your practice in several ways. These 9 shockwave therapy benefits are medical practice game-changers:

1. Exemplary Patient Outcomes

ESWT/EPAT equips primary care physicians to ensure patient wellness and provide best-in-class patient care. Shockwave transforms patient care and treats a wide range of medical issues. Accelerated healing is ignited by shockwave therapy.

2. Increased Practice Revenue

Offering innovative solutions like shockwave adds an additional stream of income to your primary care practice. Investing in shockwave can significantly increase ROI. 

3. Treat Patients Instead of Referring Them Out

Rather than sending patients out for care, you provide holistic and comprehensive care in one convenient place, increasing patient wellness and quality of life.

4. Expanded Treatment Offerings

Primary care providers who utilize innovative treatments like shockwave therapy can offer their patients a comprehensive range of services. This approach gives providers the chance to address acute and chronic conditions without the need for multiple referrals.

5. Enhanced Patient Retention

Stand out as a go-to provider for innovative solutions to wellness under one roof. This ease of care builds tremendous patient loyalty to primary care providers with this dedication to patient care excellence.

6. A Competitive Edge

Leading the way in cutting-edge care is a crucial differentiator among primary care providers. Improve your visibility among your community with enhanced plan of care opportunities.

7. Evidence-Based Practice

Embracing evidence-based medical technologies like ESWT/EPAT positions you as a leader in top-notch patient care. Leveraging the power of shockwave redefines primary care practices in a multitude of ways. Shockwave is backed by Level 1 evidence.

8. Versatility in Treatment

Shockwave therapy is helpful in treating a variety of conditions impacting tendons, muscles, bones, tissue, and more. This versatility is tremendously valuable in primary care settings, where it’s common for practitioners to encounter an array of medical conditions.

9. Increased Practice Efficiency

Incorporating treatments like shockwave therapy into any primary care practice can improve the efficiency of delivering optimal outcomes in healthcare. By streamlining the treatment process, primary care practices can significantly improve patient flow and reduce wait times.

Primary care physicians are empowered by taking on a proactive role in improving patient wellness. Adding advanced treatments like shockwave therapy positions your practice as a leader in innovative treatments in your community.

Ready to Leverage the Power of Shockwave Therapy in Your Practice?

Anthony DuBose, MD, MPH


“My medical practice deals mainly with soft-tissue repetitive strain/overuse type injuries. ESWT and EMTT are an extremely important part of the multi-disciplinary approach I use to successfully treat these problems.”

Anthony DuBose, MD, MPH
Stanford University Occupational Health Center
DuBose Medical Group

Intrigued by the practice potential of incorporating shockwave therapy into your primary care practice? 

To learn more about onboarding and tips for achieving optimal success, explore insights from CuraMedix Medical Director Brice Blatz, M.D. 

As the leading distributor of the full suite of STORZ Medical shockwave and EMTT devices in the US, CuraMedix surpasses customer expectations with unrivaled customer service, marketing support, education, and integration tips. 

Learn more about the complete offering of shockwave, EMTT, and regenerative solutions from CuraMedix to elevate your practice's success and achieve outstanding patient outcomes. Contact us today, and we'll connect you with a shockwave expert.

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Topics: EPAT, Practice Improvement, ESWT, EMTT, shockwave