Best Practices for Integrating Shockwave into Your Continuum of Care

October 9, 2023  |  By Elise Hamann

Dr Marc Lederman Treating a PatientThe world of healthcare is ever-evolving, and shockwave therapy is being hailed as a game-changing and transformative treatment option. Investing in shockwave technology is a significant step toward bringing patient care to the next level and fueling practice growth for medical professionals across multiple specialties.

Success with shockwave involves a commitment to and passion for the technology, its benefits, and an ability to generate similar excitement among staff and patients. 

Here, we’ll delve into best practices for integrating and introducing shockwave therapy into your practice as well as to your referral partners, staff, patients, and community. To drive success, we offer tried and true tips along with new strategies as part of these essential Shockwave Therapy Guidelines. 

Shockwave Therapy Guidelines: Setting Up for Exemplary Outcomes with Shockwave 

A well-planned approach to successfully integrating shockwave therapy hinges upon incorporating plans for marketing, staff buy-in, seamless patient communication, and more. 

Share News of Your Shockwave Integration 

As a medical professional, exceptional patient care is at the heart of it all – and investing in shockwave demonstrates your commitment to providing top-notch patient care and outcomes.

To kick things off, you’ll want to spread the word through various channels:

  • Announce your new service via social media, word of mouth, emails, and your website
  • Create an in-office buzz with brochures and posters
  • Educate staff, patients, referral partners, community partners, and local press about the benefits of shockwave therapy to address the root cause of pain and its ability to accelerate the healing process.

STORZ Medical Devices and CuraMedix, an Unbeatable Combination

Choosing the ‘right’ shockwave device and partner is critical to optimal patient outcomes. As the pioneering leader in shockwave technology, medical providers worldwide trust STORZ Medical as the brand synonymous with precision and excellence. 

STORZ Medical and CuraMedix are committed to excellence and exceptional patient outcomes and have developed a strong business relationship over 15+ years. CuraMedix proudly represents STORZ Medical as the leading full-service distributor in the U.S. and offers the full suite of shockwave and EMTT devices.

Educate all staff members and patients on why you chose a STORZ Medical shockwave device.

Leverage Marketing Support from CuraMedix

Your device partner, CuraMedix, provides outstanding marketing and educational materials resources. Utilize this advantage to the fullest, as it equips you with all you’ll need to simplify promotion and expand your patient base.

Customers get exclusive access to materials within the Partner Portal and a print shop that allows you to customize brochures and posters. Partnering with CuraMedix eases the marketing process and enables you to get back to patient care.

Make Staff Engagement and Training a Priority

Getting staff buy-in early on is pivotal for successfully adding shockwave therapy to your continuum of care. 

Consider offering free treatment to staff so they can experience firsthand the regenerative power of shockwave. They’ll become your best advocates for technology and its benefits.

Encourage Intentional Front Office Engagement with Patients

Your front office team has two vital contact points (check-in and check-out) with every patient. Both interactions offer an excellent opportunity to start a conversation on shockwave and how regenerative treatments can help patients heal faster. 

This critical engagement opportunity ensures that patients will be well-informed and should spark interest in this innovative treatment modality.

Plan In-Person or Virtual Events 

Invite – Connect - Demonstrate – Educate. Commit to hosting an in-office event to show shockwave therapy and discuss the protocols and benefits. Doing so gives patients and others a chance to ask questions.

Educate your community. Contact local tennis, golf, or sports clubs, yoga studios, running stores, and CrossFit facilities. Offer to talk to these groups and the organizers about how shockwave can help them address their pain. And be sure to see if you can leave some brochures at the front desk.

There is no substitute for face-to-face connections for generating interest and creating buzz around shockwave. Enhance your practice visibility with strategic efforts.

Nurture Your Referral Network and Inform 

A strong referral network is worth its weight in gold, and medical referrals are the lifeblood of any thriving practice. They consistently enable and support your practice's growth. 

Be sure to inform referral partners of your investment in EPAT/ESWT - which can lead to even more revenue and practice growth. Send them a letter and include one of your shockwave patient brochures. Be sure to invite them in to check out shockwave and learn more.

Promote Shockwave Often and Everywhere 

To generate initial interest and keep interest high for shockwave therapy, it’s critical to promote it continuously. Consider the following as part of your ongoing promotional efforts:

  • Blog about shockwave
  • Email patients
  • Include in your newsletter or e-blast
  • Mail promotional postcards
  • Promote in your office through posters, brochures
  • Add an informational page on shockwave to your website with educational videos and a treatment session video.
  • Highlight photos on your website of you doing the treatment
  • Ask your patients for testimonials
  • Educate everyone who comes into your office about shockwave
  • Leverage grab-and-go social posts created by CuraMedix found in our monthly newsletter


Communication Builds Patient Trust

Shockwave therapy guidelines would not be complete without discussing a patient-centered communication plan. Patient education is an essential element in proactive implementation. 

Patients today want non-surgical treatment options for faster healing — with no downtime, no anesthesia, and no risk.

Communicate effectively so patient expectations and outcomes are aligned.

Inevitably, patients get excited once they know the benefits of shockwave:

  • Evidence-based
  • Non-surgical
  • No downtime
  • No risk
  • No side effects

Post-treatment, be sure to collect patient feedback and testimonials. What you discover will guide improvements and impact patient satisfaction.

Explore Scientific Studies on Shockwave Therapy and Clinical Utilization 

Stay abreast of the latest scientific studies on the efficacy and uses of shockwave in practice. Here’s a sampling of what you’ll find:

Immersive Learning at the Institute for Tissue Regeneration and Repair

CuraMedix founded the Institute for Tissue Regeneration and Repair to offer focused events where medical professionals can collaborate, network, and learn about all the new and exciting breakthroughs in the ever-changing field of regenerative medicine. You’ll discover new and emerging Shockwave therapy guidelines every time you attend.

There’s always something awe-inspiring to learn at the Institute events:

  • Hear from renowned experts
  • Immerse yourself in the world of regenerative medicine
  • Explore treatment options to elevate patient care
  • Increase practice ROI
  • Learn from peers who have successfully integrated shockwave 

Follow Shockwave Therapy Guidelines for High ROI and Patient Wins

Following the shockwave therapy guidelines will increase your practice visibility and facilitate integration success. The more engaged you are, the more your patients will be excited about the healing potential now available to them.

Adhering to Shockwave Therapy Guidelines is the foundation for igniting your success with EPAT/ESWT. Of course, it’s important to continually refine your approach to education, training, informed consent, pain management and by conducting ongoing assessments. You will learn something new and gain mastery every time you treat a patient with EPAT/ESWT. 

The pinnacle of patient care has arrived, starting with the seamless integration of shockwave therapy.

Inspired to invest in innovative shockwave technology to improve patient outcomes? 

Such an investment can dramatically accelerate your practice growth and increase your patient base. Let's start a conversation.

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Topics: Research, shockwave